I Never Run Out of Mana Chapter 57

Here is chapter 57. Enjoy.


Well, there really isn’t much to say here. As you can see, I am ill. It slightly frustrates me that there are some who thinks that my illness is just an excuse that I made up to not release regularly. I suppose it can’t be help.

For now I have stabilized and have been released from the hospital, hopefully able to translate normally again.

23 thoughts to “I Never Run Out of Mana Chapter 57”

  1. Ignore the assholes. You wouldn’t need to make excuses in the first place. Even if you wanted to quit cold turkey, no one would hold it against you.

    1. I agree 100% but please don’t give the translator such ideas. It would make me sad if he went cold turkey in this.

      1. Btw I really appreciate any updates that come up and I feel I should express it more. I wish good health upon the translator.

  2. I feel like if I don’t say anything now and you cone to quit due to some immature assholes who leeches off others and then complain, then I will regret it later on. You are doing a great job coping with translating and being sick at the same time and I just want to thank you for giving us these chapters. Keep going at your own pace till you feel it’s time allow us leeches to indulge in more chapters when you are better.

  3. Stop attacking others just because they criticize you for constantly delaying chapters. You fanboys make me sick stop being vulgar.

    1. What is being vulgar about supporting someone who essentially helps me by translating a story that I like but can’t read since it’s in another language. No one has the right to criticize for delayed chapters (at most you can state your sorrow for their being no chapter) so even if saying you feel ‘slightly frustrated’ about random people saying you are lying about an illness counts as ‘attacking’ then it is justified.

      1. Cursing on someone is vulgar way to communicate. You fanboys attack anyone who want to express himself just because he is not saying what you fanboys want to hear. And why cant i criticize? I believe in freedom of speach without vulgar comments on the other side you fanboys are silencing others in a vulgar way. What a double standard.

        1. then, my opinion about you is that you are an ungrateful leecher with no manners, that instead of supporting the translator in his hard times, criticise others who support him, while trying to defend the leechers with no manners or patience, just so you know, defending our selves isnt attacking just as black isnt white and the opposite. All we are trying to do, is help the translator have a less burden on his head so he can be more relaxed, recover faster, be happy and thus be happy translating this novel for us, since if he were to forcibly do something he hates, it wouldnt be good for either one of us

          and say that you broke your good hand, its just an example, and you say that you want to recover and cant post chapters, you stay anxious at the hospital, wondering whats going on, thinking of the fanbase that you build yourself, wondering what are they saying about you.

          you check out the comments, AND SUPRISE B!TCH negative comments everywhere of ungrateful leechers and supporters who defend him, beeing labeled as vulgar with no manners.

          Now, tell me what you understood from this story.

          1. then again, anyone having any problems with him can just translate the novel for us if they want :P.

            though, we are all reading the novel here cause we cant do exactly that.

          2. thats what im talking about. Again another fan attacking me calling me leecher for critisizin autor for delaying chapters for last 4 months. Yes you fans are vulgar as i said earlier and your God author will see it but he will not care he will support you in sillencing and cursing at any critic.

  4. Hello. I’m rarely commenting but it’s the right time, i think.
    Most of commenters are right and you do not have to explane. But, even if you don’t have to, it wold be great and polite.
    But actually i’m wonder what illnes is that? Because it’s all sounds strange. When i wos in hospital – i had so much free time, that i wos freaking bored there. Yeah, feel sick, but bored to the bottom. So i wonder how bad is that, that you can’t use that free time in hospital to make something.

    1. Why would it be polite for someone to post personal information about an illness they have that is really no one else’s business. You are not even asking for her personal information to be posted privately to one particular person but on the internet for everyone to see. Then you say that when you are in the hospital she should have to translate while there, I don’t know the reason you went to hospital but everyone reasons are different so you can’t say that just because you were bored and had nothing to do there that it means everyone in hospital is in the same situation where they have allot of free time on their hands.

      1. Do not twist the meanings of my words please. 🙂 (Maybe my english are not perfect, but it’s not that bad. I think, that i wrote what i mean correctly.)
        I hadn’t said that translator “had to” translate in hospital. I said that there are usually pretty boring in the hospitals and its possible and not too burdensome to use that time. That’s one of the reasons why i said, that it would be at least great and polite to explain even some minimum of circumstances. Translator anyway are incognito so it’s not that troublesome to reveal something. Also you said, that all have different reasons to be in hospitals. I can assure you. If it’s something like broken bones, intoxication or pneumonia – it’s to boring to just do nothing in hospital. My own experience… And i’m pretty sure that with most of problems in hospital are pretty boresome… There are not that much reasons to not being bored in hospital… Only some really unfortunate things.
        Have you yourself ever stayed in hospital for more than 1 day?

  5. Really hate how people who read a series that someone translates feel so entitled to quick releases and can come to the conclusion that they can force a translator off the translation in favor for some faster dude. Just really ticks me in the wrong way.

  6. There are some rules in this “translation world”; one of them is “dont steal projects” so other groups expressed that they are intrested in taking this project but they cant steal the project even if xerenity post 1 chapter per month like she did some time ago. Thus she makes the excuse of being ill so the brainless fanboys stay quiet about it and the other groups have to wait.

    For the retard ppl saying “if you dont like it do it youself” dear anon, please dont be a retard, i dont have to do anything else other than support with money to the group who is translating BUT ONLY IF THEY DESERVE IT; wich is not the case now.
    I dont have to do it myself because there are other ppl intrested in doing it; its just that they cant do it because she keeps making excuses so she can hold this project and at the same time get donations from stupid ppl who apparently knows nothing about the real situation.
    Being ignorant is not that bad imo, but being a retard fanboy has no cure.

    1. mmm and you are a conchudo man (this in spanish ) if you want more caps ,youdon insult the traductor or the fans, have a translation is not easy and more when is a hobbit, i am menber of a translation in spanish, we dont recive donations because we dont want lucrate with this and believe me somethigs is so hard continue this and mor when the people say give me more caps when the people dont say thanks

  7. Shut the fuck up asani, you are so fucking stupi.
    Te pensas que traducen porque es divertido pelotudo de mierda? Volve al agujero del que saliste pajero de mierda (esto fue escrito en español).
    Encima aclaras el idioma como si a alguien le importara una mierda. Yo mismo fue parte de dos translation groups durante años, se mas de esto de lo que un pendejo como vos va a prender en su puta vida y por si te creias especial al entender 2 idiomas te digo que yo tengo diplomas academicos de 3.
    Ahora hacete un favor a vos mismo y volve llorando a tu habitacion a jugar al minecraft y pajearte con hentai lolicon, beta fracasado.

    1. jajajaja you are rage for a person in internet for defend a other person , you have a problem men ah i dont like minecraft ,i only like read a light novels i dont have anything problem for wait and you? grumpy person

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