I Never Run Out of Mana Chapter 247

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247. All Out Attack (2)

Min-Cheol and his clones charged at great speeds towards Mithrael, who had transformed into a dragon.

It was true that all of them were discouraged.

Their attacks were powerful enough to kill marquises.

Despite succeeding in such a powerful attack, it seemed as though Mithrael had not taken any damage.

However, there was a reason why did not hesitate and charged like moths to a flame.

It was because they had faith in the debuff that prevented healing.

Their attacks could not be healed from.

So if they continued to land attacks, whether a dragon or a monster from the deep would eventually be forced to kneel.

However, this would be the case only if Mithrael did not retaliate.

The firstborn clone’s debuff covered the massive dragon’s form.

The debuff increased damage taken and since it was focused on a single target, it would be quite powerful.

Following that, the buff skill of the third and fourth oldest clones were applied on everyone.

It was a buff that increased everyone’s attack and defensive power, did not overwrite the skills Min-Cheol possessed, and it was more powerful than Min-Cheol’s skills.

While the clones did not share much battle experience together, they worked in sync better than any other.

It almost looked as though between the clones and the original, and between each clone, they were sharing each other’s thoughts.

Their organizational ability, unity, and the ability to make split second decisions in combat were incomparably powerful to that of any squad.

Mithrael, who had let out a flame breath towards his own castle, looked out towards the sky through the massive gaping hole.

It was a feeling of freedom he had not felt in hundreds of years.

He had spent all those years hidden away in the cramped form of a human.

One could ask why he didn’t just reveal his true form of a dragon and take over all of Hell.

However, the only reason that he was able to escape his small human form was due to Min-Cheol and his clones.

He had been freed only because of their immensely powerful attacks that could not even be compared to the Protectors of this realm.

The conditions for releasing him from his seal was exactly this.

Reclaiming his power and his original form that had been sealed away, it seemed as though Mithrael had forgotten that he was in the middle of a battle.

The blue sky that ruined his mood and the bright sun that made him squint seemed beautiful today.

However, his feeling of satisfaction and tranquility did not last long.

After all, Min-Cheol and his clones were charging right in front of him.

While each of them had expressions filled with determination and were moving with all the strength they had, it did not seem particularly threatening to Mithrael.

To him, they were just annoying flies.



“Hm. Any more tricks up your sleeve left?”


Each of them attempted to attack Mithrael from different angles.

Even though he was a powerful dragon, it would be difficult to defend against all of the attacks that came at incredible speeds if they came from various directions.

In a fight against many, a massive body the size of a house could be disadvantageous.

Min-Cheol and his clones did not aim for his vitals to kill him in a single strike.

They knew that it wasn’t possible from the get-go.

Instead, they planned to use their ability that prevents healing to slowly bleed him out dry.

As if aware, Mithrael tried to make as much as distance between Min-Cheol and his clones using his tail and wings, attempting to attack.

Their attacks hit him all over, and the result was a success.

The dragon’s steel like skin that did not show any signs of being penetrated were torn, leaking black blood.

This would’ve been impossible without the debuff that increased damage taken and the buffs the clones casted.

The more welcoming news was that the wounds on the dragon’s hide weren’t healing.

While it could be summarized as leaving a small dent in a huge rock, it would become a critical wound if the damage kept piling up.

Like how droplets of water can break through a rock.

Even as they attacked, their focus was completely on Mithrael’s gaze and his movements.

Because they knew that they could not end the fight in a short amount of time, they were being cautious.

They knew well that instead of trying to land as many hits as possible, it was more important for them to not get done in by their opponent’s attacks.

Mithrael wasn’t just sitting by idly as he was attacked though.

While he did move his body to retaliate, it was an attack that aimed for one out of the six.

Meanwhile, they continued to attack him while giving him a wide berth.

There was no way that he could react to all the attacks being thrown his way in such a large area.

Keeping that in mind, Min-Cheol decided to become the target of Mithrael’s attacks, attacking his belly and chest.

As expected, Mithrael’s focus shifted to Min-Cheol.

Incredibly fast attacks that did not match his size came towards Min-Cheol’s way.

His kicks were sharp enough that Min-Cheol felt as though his limbs would shatter from contact alone.

His extremely sharp weapon-like talons kept posing as a threat for Min-Cheol.

However, Min-Cheol kept barely dodging with his agile movements, allowing his clones to comfortably attack from outside Mithrael’s attacking range.

While Mithrael’s main attack was to swing his front legs, Min-Cheol’s focus was on his mouth.

It was because he could not ignore his powerful breath attack that was powerful enough to melt the castle.

Out of the many magics Min-Cheol had casted, there wasn’t a time that an entire building had been destroyed in this world.

While it was true that he had controlled the output to prevent drawing unnecessary attention nearby, it would be difficult for him to destroy a building to this level even if he was throwing everything he had.

Similar to Earth, this place’s processing capabilities were quite developed.

They used the materials obtained through Protectors killing monsters as construction materials to build structures.

Their durability was more than enough to block most spells.

If the estates of marquises and counts were that sturdy, then how much sturdier was Castellan Mithrael’s castle?

At the least, his castle would be made from the highest quality materials several times better.

If that breath attack was powerful enough to destroy such a building in a single hit, then it was obvious that it would be devastating against Min-Cheol and his clones.

Avoiding his attacks left and right, Min-Cheol kept his eyes on him.

However, even though a considerable amount of time had passed, Mithrael was not using his breath attack.

LIke how the skills of an Awakened or a Protector have cooldowns, it seemed as though his attacks also had a delay.

Min-Cheol took a bit of time to consider his attack patterns.

And came to the conclusion that his theory wasn’t incorrect.

Even though he made enough distance for Mithrael to use his breath attack, he only charged forwards to keep up the close quarters combat.

“Seems you haven’t heated up quite yet?”


“If that’s the case… That pimple on your forehead. It’s been bothering me this entire time. Oraa!”

Avoiding Mithrael’s frontal kick that came straight at him by a paper thin margin, Min-Cheol shot forward as if he had kicked the air beneath him.

Condensing a massive amount of power into his sword, he had charged towards Mithrael’s head.

His target was the dragon’s head.

To be precise, it was something that looked like a gem, embedded in the center and giving off a brilliant blue light.

After seeing many dragons in pictures and videos, Min-Cheol did not feel anything was off.

However, that brilliantly glowing gem that stood out from the plain form of a dragon was really getting on Min-Cheol’s nerves.

The focal core of power. It was obvious that this was a weak point that’s often talked about.

It happened the moment that the sword traveling towards the light was about to pierce.

“Damn it!”


His massive wings began to move.

As his half folded wings unfolded, it caused the clones to stagger as they lost their balance.

On top of that, the angle that Min-Cheol charged from the air towards Mithrael became twisted.

The sword aura barely missed his head, cutting through thin air.

With their attacks halted for that brief moment, Mithrael flapped his wings even harder.

Each flap of his wings were powerful enough to cause the ground to cave inwards.

A thick cloud of dust was kicked up, and the rubble of the building flew around like bullets.

Losing their field of view, Min-Cheol and his clones defended themselves and scattered.

With the loud noise stopping and the dust cleared, they could see that Mithrael was flying up in the air.

At the same time, Min-Cheol and his clones felt an unknown uneasiness.

It was difficult to believe that Mithrael, with his overwhelming power of a dragon, would flee to avoid such weak attacks.

And he was too far away to swing his frontal legs that was his main method of attack.

They all knew what he would be doing next.

Min-Cheol shouted towards his clones, and they all responded as if they had already predicted this would happen.

“It’s a breath attack! Hurry up and run!”

“Damn it!”

“Lizard-dragon bastard!”


“Dragon. Experience the power of a superior existence.”

In a split second, intense flames poured out from his mouth continuously in a stream.

It was a breath attack powerful enough to swallow his castle located on a mountain slope and then some.

Letting out his breath attack for several seconds, he was leisurely flapping his wings in the sky.

Magma dripped from his mouth.


The situation below was horrible.

They were incredibly fast, beyond imagination.

Additionally, with their vast amount of combat experience, they had made the best decision possible and would have attempted to escape from the attack radius.

However, Min-Cheol and his clones were collapsed on the melted battlefield with flames that did not cease burning.

Not only were they burnt black all over, but parts of their body were lost, having melted from the dragon’s breath.

Terrible screams rang throughout the battlefield, but the second oldest and Min-Cheol did not lose their composure even in that situation.

The second oldest grabbed his arm that had been cut off and yelled.

“Everyone, focus your healing on me!”


“I can’t invoke 100% of my healing capabilities with my current condition. Hurry!”

“Follow the second oldest’s words. We don’t have time to be in shock and stay down! Hurry!”


The clones and Min-Cheol focused on healing the second oldest.

Surprisingly, the Status Denial skill did not work on the wounds received from the dragon.

On top of that, the King’s Marbles did not work either.

This meant that Min-Cheol’s best healing skill and survival skill were useless in this fight.

However, after obtaining the power of a dragon, their healing capabilities were different from when Min-Cheol had collapsed before.

As the 5 of them focused all their healing on one, the wounded body began recovering at a rapid pace, showing a great progress in healing.

Standing back up, the second oldest then used his healing that was boosted by his special trait on Min-Cheol.

However, their healing stopped there.


“Damn it!”

Falling down from above, Mithrael crushed the third and fourth oldest clones with his massive body.

His hind legs were many times thicker and stronger than his frontal legs.

His talons pierced the two clones, brutally tearing them apart.

“Ah… I did not see there were ants below. Kururu…”

“You bastard…”

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