17 thoughts to “I Never Run Out of Mana Chapters 37-39”

  1. It really nice to see you again. I known that you guy have a lot of work to do but please inform us it will help a lot

  2. A)They arent cheating the donaters, they stack the queue but they are decreasing regular chapters to 1 a week, which is better than none at all, dont you agree???

    B)Thanks for the chapters guys, love this series, ignore all the haters!!!!

    1. Reducing the Regular Chapters = Prompting more Donators, Chapters more Expensive.

      I mean, if we want to get 7 Chapters a Week, now we need to pay for 6 Chapters.

      1. This doesn’t mean that he is doing this permanently. It just means that he need to catch up and so he will be showing down.

  3. Soooo, no matter how much we pay, the chapers are still 2 a week? Well done. You are the fuhrer of investments, khan of economy. Your despotism regarding money awes me. Thanks for the chapters anyways.

    1. Waittttt, no never mind. Where did that one chapter pop up from? Do you even regard the existance of a queue? Why do people pay? Why is the sky blue? Why do we live??? I think i must sit down and think about it for a while.

  4. Wait a second, so you are doing 1 regular chapter a week but actually releasing said chapter every 3 weeks according to your last release and telling us that this to reduce the queue? This is an inssult. Do you think we are stupid?

    Im droping this novel until a serious gruop take it.

    And for those who says “hater gonna hate”; being a conformist is probably the most common attribute of losers, good luck in your life, youre gonna need it.

  5. So two chapters that were owing from one week yet it took you an extra two weeks to do them? Or have I misunderstood what he’s saying?
    Im going to follow blueleafs lead and drop this until another group that isn’t just trying to steal people’s money takes this over.

  6. So it’s been more than a week since the last post, I thought you were reducing the amount per week to catch up? Can we expect more chapters soon?

  7. Ok guys its still too son to get excited but i alredy contacted another group who is intrested in taking this project, they said is not confirmed yet because they have 3 options and all of them are exelent novels; the main translator is reading pyon version to decide if they start from 0 or continue from chapter 40 in case they pick this one; i repeat its still not confirmed but give more information as son as they contact me again. btw, i asked how many chapters they could translate per week if they decide to take this project and they said 2 standard chapters per week plus a maximum of 3 extra paid so that would be 5 CHAPTERS A WEEK!

  8. Btw, I’m pretty sure Xerenity is a she, according to a previous post by Hikaros.
    I don’t get why everyone is so agitated? I mean you have a choice of donating or not in the first place right? She isn’t asking for money either. The chapters themselves if they go by the normal rate are provided for free aren’t they?
    If you want faster translations, one can always check out the source material and read it there. IF you can’t read it and need it translated ask a friend or someone who you know to translate for you. Something like that.

    Or you can always just wait patiently. I waited for more chapters to be released after catching up around August, 2018. I think I was on chapter 96 or something. I’m re-reading this cause I forgot most things and am gonna try to catch up with the latest release.

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