Sad news

Hello everyone. I hope you are having a nice day.

Today i come to you with grave news. Xerenity is out of comission for a while. Reason is that she fell ill and she was admitted to a hospital. I have no idea when she is coming back but i personally hope that it is soon and enjoying good health.

Since she is the one doing I Never Run Out of Mana there won’t be updates until she comes back, i hope you understand.

10 thoughts to “Sad news”

  1. she is cursed i think. every second week something bad happens to her. Let her see a monk it might be yokai work.

    1. She definitely is cursed, I’ve been here since last year and it has always been like this, oh well take the money and rest as you always do! But if you are really in the hospital I wish you the best for yea

      1. that isnt the best way to put things, you know, people might get offended by this, but I’m the wrong person to talk about this. We could make a fundraising event for every time she gets sick, so we have enough for an exorcist. 😛

        Since translators are the lifeline of us readers…. 😛

        jokes aside, I hope she gets well, as for Mr. trouble makers, I hope you support her and not anything opposite, right?

        or else you face the wrath of the Cheese.

        I hope she gets better, no need to force yourself when you are sick, especially if its enough to make you go to the hospital.

  2. I hope she gets better and when life gives you lemons, you know what to do, MAKE LIFE TAKE THOSE LEMONS BACK!, what are you supposed to do with these anyways. Jeez, so get better and dont worry about anything.

  3. when you get lemons you’re sopposed to put some salt on it and lick it cause it tastes extra sour and good that way

  4. No new updates? Not even a chapter saying your getting better or something? I find it hard to believe something happened to you, you just don’t want to post chapters

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