I Never Run Out of Mana Chapter 24

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24. Noblesse Guild (5)

After school ended, Jong Ho’s SUV was waiting at the front gate.

Next to the vehicle, I could see Jong Ho leaning towards the sun roof with his arm as support.

‘Uwaa! Shitty fashion! Please don’t act as if you know me, please don’t look this way! Please!’

Different from what I hoped for, he waved his hands towards me.

“Yo! Min-Cheol! Over here, right here!”

‘It’s that shitty white t-shirt again.’

Instead of answering, I increased my pace towards Jong Ho.

“Iya, it’s been a long time since I went to a school. But why do I see dull men for the most part and only a few female students?”

“Please stop lollygagging and get in the car quickly!”

“Why! Why! Are you being chased?”

Jong Ho was looking around as if it was a scene in a spy movie.

“Hyung, I’m really embarassed at your fashion sense. Please get in!”

“Ah, is that it. Only wearing student uniforms, to be with a fashionista like me, are you embarrassed that we’re suddenly getting attention? I guess you’re young and all.”


Ending the conversation that made me red with embarrassment, we went to the parking lot near Jong Ho’s vehicle.

“Hyung. When hyung called me yesterday, you went to the outing after the guild war?”

“Yes. There’s nothing much to worry about. But what about the text message yesterday?”

I told Jong Ho the conversation with Park Hyun and the current situation.

“Hm… We’re going to be like family. The strong and superior win, while the weak and inferior becomes the loser…..”

I asked a question to Jong Ho who was talking to himself and fidgeting with the sand on the floor.

“Don’t you feel something?”

“It’s something I was told before from the hyungs I used to work for, but I didn’t pay attention to it that much. Hearing your words now though, something seems off.”

“I have a hunch that it is the radical faction, but I don’t know how much of Noblesse guild is involved, or if everyone is.”

“Since the government isn’t accusing the group, either the guild has incredible power or they leave no loose ends.”

“Taking care of business?”

Jong Ho, while looking straight at me, replied to my question.

“Min-Cheol. Do you know how many become Awakened and disappear?”

“No clue.”

“300 per year! About 500 people become Awakened if there are a lot Awakening that year. But more than 40% aren’t able to pass 5 years, disappearing.”

“Isn’t it because they die to either the portal explosion or monsters in dungeons?”

“Of course it could be that. Let’s say an Awakened that’s only been one for 1 to 2 years died in dungeons, that’s no surprise. But what about people past 5 years, people with levels above 100, with knowledge and experience to match it? There is no reason why they would die so easily, right?”

“That’s true.”

“The official reason of death would be ‘death due to monsters within a dungeon’, but if it’s a dungeon where you can’t even find the corpse after despawn time, there is something a lot more sinister occurring.”

“That is to say, there are murders happening in dungeons. And among those murdered, there could be people who are against the radical forces?”


After hearing Jong Ho’s words, I realized that I was in a precarious situation.

“No time to dillydally. Hyung! Let’s go to the association.”

“What? You want to report this?”

“No. Going to buy ‘Gravity Laser’.”

“Eh? Is that your solution for this situation?”

* * *

I was able to purchase ‘Gravity Laser’, ‘Heal’, and ‘Spirit Armor’ from the association.

Since Heal and Spirit Armor were both beginner necromancer’s skill, they were being sold for cheap.

Since I couldn’t forsake attack or defense, I used all the money I had to do so.

As sunset approached, Jong Ho said that he had a hunting party he promised to attend and left.

Unlike others, Jong Ho did not ask for favors in return despite seeing how strong I was, taking out all the succubi.

Jong Ho said that he’ll try to get more information on Noblesse guild.

Since he could suffer the consequences for snooping around too deep, I did not forget to warn him to pull out at a reasonable time.

“If you exclude how he dresses, he’s an amazing person.”

While talking to myself and looking at him leave, I planned ahead.

There were only rumors at the moment, as the government wasn’t doing anything and there wasn’t a single shred of evidence. Taking that into account, the radical faction was not something to mess with.

If I went to report, it was obvious that I’d become a target.

My only and dangerous option is left.

Until Park Hyun and the rebellion forces make their move, I will only focus on growing stronger.

If they move faster than I predicted, I’ll pretend to help them and buy time. Waiting until I’m able to surpass them…..

Since I was able to obtain a higher amount of exp in the level 13 dungeon using the ‘Bloodsucking Revival’ and ‘Incubus’ Revival’, I had to give up on level 14 and 15 dungeons that could give higher ranking blood stones and gear for now.

It was because the money I was earning now was nothing compared to how much I’ll be earning after my growth.

“Compiling done. Let’s go level up!”

* * *

The new skill I learned, Gravity Laser, was an incredible skill.

In the area I target, a dome shaped similar to a ‘Barrier’ is formed, shooting out countless laser beams.

Since it was a skill that continuously drained mana to attack until the enemy perished, I could increase the skill level incredibly quickly.

It was a skill that fit my ability the best.

An attack that continuously drained mana and destructive force to match it!

Even though it wasn’t able to damage the level 13 dungeon’s succubi, it was able to target.

Casting Piercing Sword with one hand while the other hand holds Gravity Laser that can continuously attack!

I did not forget to cast Frozen Shield, Barrier, and Spirit armor and let myself get hit between Piercing Sword to obtain experience for shield skills.

Due to the rebellion faction, I had to give up earning more money, but instead gained an incredible amount of speed in growth.

Different from my expectations, there was no movement from Park Hyun.

If I could continue to buy time like this and grow stronger, I could step on those who dare to threaten me.

However, I just wanted to earn more money instead of wasting time like this.

‘Come at me! Come get me!’

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18 thoughts to “I Never Run Out of Mana Chapter 24”

  1. Thanks for the chapter. Really thanks for picking this up, I missed this novel.

    What the hell is the MC doing ? There are people lvl 200-300 in the guild. Whatsmore they are a group so while someone is fighting him, they can easily target his mom. He should just run and try to join another guild to gain protection from them. He is crazy. There is no way he can catch up to them. I assume he is trying to lvl his skills by casting them continuously. But I do not know if it will be sufficient.

    1. well, he doesn’t know that his mom is being targeted. For now it’s only his war, only between the awakened ones (and he is not even sure about the scope of the peril). So that’s why he is being so laid back.
      Also, he is only low level, so why would a different guild offer him protection, when he is not even well known?

      1. This is the fckng problem with all MCs.

        If the radicals target him, what would they do?????? The 2 MOST SIMPLE ANSWERS are already said: 1. entice him with what he needs and wants. 2. Have someone he loves be a hostage.

        Who the fck couldn’t think about that?!?!?!? What other moves could there be?!?!?!?!? I mean do something about the protection of your mom dumbass!!!!

    2. How is there no way for him to catch up? Awakened have been around ~30 years and the top guilds have people at around 500 or something. He has awakened for a couple months and he is already nearing level 100.

    3. you forgot about his unlimited mana… sure, they are levels about him but with the skills he has their levels are completely non-existent …. since he can also dual wield skills, he can use one the lightning skill on one hand and this gravity laser on the other … both skills can attack multiple targets …… finally, they only assumed based on his lie that he has High Mana Regen, which is completely different from Unlimited Mana

      1. That’s where you’re wrong. Sure, he can kill monsters that are stronger than him but he cannot fight against someone that’s over a 100 levels above him. If even one of them has spent on agility, that person can send our little MC’s head flying before he can even think about casting a spell. Stats matter.

  2. Thanks for the chapter.
    I hope the destruction of Noblesse is suitably spectacular. Maybe he will buy some thief or assassin presence eraser, acquire evidence of their killings and rebel ties, and then just do what the novel description says, meteor swarm, preferably with some sort of lockdown ability to make sure everyone dies. I am partial to some sort of ice sealing, but earth, light or darkness spells that seal would be fine too. Or maybe all at once! Then he really will be on every guild’s hit list, whether to recruit or eliminate so he cannot tip the current balance.

  3. thanks for the chapter~
    he should feign ignorance while frantically leveling up, then snoop around when his strength is sufficient.

    | ̄””‘、
    |ω` |
    ⊂   ;゙   Spam all those skills hahaha
    |   / Hope nothing happens to his mom and
    |U”” I really hate radical group who thing they are better than others cause they are stronger

  5. for the above discussion:
    i doubt the noblesse can dispatch someone as strong as level 300; from the talk from previous chapters the guild only have higher mid level 100 to early 200 (180-220 at max); and only high grade guilds have players level 300+ where they are a middle level guild but we can expect that the true “BOSS guild” aka the “radical group” must have some level 300+ at their mix but even those players must have been seen as “celebrities ” in their world or something even more important because the danger level they posses; so they can not simple move around without creating trouble ; so will be impossible for them to dispatch someone like that to handle him without creating a bigger problem along the way.(aka: make the government take counter measures)
    On a side note; this chapter itself have show the guild MO; they kill the player in the dungeon; not outside of it, since again it could cause a lot of ruckus doing it outside ; so by the end of the evens we can expect that a “group” will be dispatched to deal with him if problems arises so in the long run of the arc in my view of how events will unfold :we can expect that at least at the first tries they will not send anyone outside of his league (level 150+); since they do not “know” everything about him yet; they just believe that it is a faster regen MP; thus allowing him to farm more; in short time; something that is “good” but can be taken care of at easy with numbers; where the reality of the situation differs because since he does not have a “mana limit”; a middle level or same level group of players can easily be put at stand by ; by a shower of spells allowing him time to make everything work around and i bet that Jong Ho’s will be very important to that with his connections; since he have been a manager before awakening.
    If i could guess who the group will be; must have been someone who he know; so that party that he first meet would be my first guess.

  6. Thanks for the chapter, things seems to be guetting serious, hope the hyng doesn’t guet dragged in his feud with the guild. By the way the interactions between the MC and Jong Ho aware fashion sense makes me remeber the interaction Betwee Masataka and his older brother fashion sense in Tenjou tenge. hahahahaha

  7. Ugh. Targeting his mother. I hate plots like that. But I guess desperate people are desperate. I hope that even if the guild manages to kill her mother with that twisted plot, I hope he doesn’t end up becoming part of the radical faction.

    I know this conflict seemed like it came out of nowhere but I liked how it was actually foreshadowed in a manner so candid people easily dismissed it. One foreshadowing was when the author explained why non-awakened and awakened are taught togather in same classes, saying that the people are scared if the awakened go nuts.
    However, even if we see the MC trying to be rational about things, we also witnessed how he lost all reason when he saw his mother being spat at by a mundane guy. This alone worries me because if the Noblesse guild’s plot does go through with his mother, then I think he’d have the tendency to turn his back on the non-awakened. I really hope he stays rational.

  8. I doubt his mother’s gonna be targetted yet. I feel like they will threaten him first then go for his mom. But since there was no response then it could be that his mother is going to get targetted…
    Glad so many people are getting really into the novel and commenting!
    Thanks for this chapter!

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